Cancer - Prevention

Are Stylists Your Best Line of Defense Against Skin Cancer?

Your scalp can be a hidden zone for skin cancer, but a new study and advocacy campaign gets behind an innovative solution.

Can Coffee Keep Skin Cancer Away?

Learn what researchers have found about caffeine's effect on skin cancer prevention.

Best Foods to Prevent Bowel Cancers

Fresh fruits and vegetables can help fight cancer, but do you know which ones are best for your bowel?

Why Men Are More Likely to Die of Cancer Than Women

While cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women, there are particular factors unique to men that make them more susceptible of ending the battle against cancer sooner than in women.

Cancer Trends Today

While cancer treatments continue to become more effective and targeted, the number of people diagnosed with cancer is on the rise. Understand the high-level trends and how they could affect you.

Mammograms vs. Treatment: What's Working?

Mammograms save lives. Or do they? Breast cancer deaths have declined over the past two decades. Is this due to routine screenings or better treatment techniques?

How Smoking Causes Cancer

You know it does, but do you know how and why smoking is one of the greatest health risks out there? Understanding what's behind the risk might help you or a loved one give them up for good.

Men Get Breast Cancer, Too

Many men may find this to be startling news, but breast cancer doesn't happen only in women. Although men don't have breasts in the sense that women do, they do have breast tissue and enough of it to make breast cancer possible.

Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

You've heard they do. You've heard they don't. So, what are the experts saying about the real risk?

Health Advice at the Hair Salon

Over the last few years, some hair salons and barbers have been dispensing more than just trims. They've been giving out health advice, too.

Should You Get Screened for Ovarian Cancer?

Some physicians call ovarian cancer the silent killer because of its vague, non-specific symptoms. So on the surface, it sounds like regular screening would save lives. But it's not that simple.

Cut the Cancer Risk From Your Backyard Barbeque

Numerous studies have linked the consumption of red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) and processed meats to an increased risk for a wide range of cancers.

The Latest Sunscreen Guidelines

When you apply sunscreens that say "broad spectrum," "sweat-resistant," or "SPF 100," are you truly getting the protection you paid for? These new sunscreen regulations can help you make the right choice to protect yourself.

Everyday Products and Cancer Risk

Did you know that many products used for personal hygiene and beauty can be major sources of human exposure to dangerous chemicals?

6 Sun Smarts for Babies and Toddlers

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. So, when fresh air and sunshine beckons your family outside to play, be sure to pack sunscreen along with your diapers, snacks, and other essentials. Here's all you need to know.

Breast Cancer and Family Risk Factors

Although advancing age and being a woman are the two most significant risk factors for breast cancer, a family history also raises your risk of developing breast cancer and developing it at a younger age.

Chemo and Heart Failure

One chemo side effect is the potential to increase patients' risk for heart failure, particularly in those who already have heart disease. Here's what you should know and what you can do.

Basal Cell Carcinoma: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Did you know that basal cell carcinoma is the most common kind of cancer in America? It can ravage your skin and even cause disfiguration if not treated properly. Be sure you know how to detect and deal with signs of this skin cancer.

Full-Body Scans: Too Much of a Good Thing?

What could be the downsides of potentially detecting cancer or another serious disease before it advances to a more-difficult-to-treat stage? Well, 150 times more radiation than a chest x-ray, for one thing.

Want to Live Longer? Eat Whole Grain Fiber

We all know that eating a diet rich in whole grains is good for your heart. Now a new study shows that the kind of fiber found in whole grains may also reduce your risk of dying at an early age from a variety of other causes.

3-D Mammograms: Pros and Cons

The new technique of 3-D mammograms, or digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), overlays 3-D optical mammogram images with x-ray images.

A Really Good Reason to Floss

Researchers have found that women are 11 times more likely to develop this serious condition if they are missing teeth or have gum disease. What's the connection?

Tests for Prostate Cancer: Effective or Not?

Although prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men (lung cancer being number one) it's not clear if the benefits of screening outweigh the risks of treating what is generally a slow-growing and treatable (in the early stages) cancer.

Cruciferous Vegetables Are Prevention Powerhouses

The evidence is overwhelming that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps prevent cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, in particular, deliver compounds that help prevent the transformation of normal cells into cancer.

What is Hemochromatosis?

Also known as hereditary hemochromatosis, the body absorbs too much iron from foods you eat. The excess iron then gets stored in your organs, especially the liver, heart, and pancreas, which over time can damage them and lead to life-threatening illnesses.

Can Allergies Prevent Cancer?

Who would have thought that having allergies could actually be good for you? You may hate the sneezing, coughing, and itching that come with allergies, but researchers have discovered a new reason to appreciate this misery.

Secondhand Smoke and Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

When it comes to kids and secondhand smoke, is there a safe level? And what does secondhand smoke affect?

Radiation from Japan: How Much Is Unsafe?

All eyes have been on Japan as residents struggle to recover from the earthquake and tsunami. Fears of nuclear radiation leaks persist, raising questions and concerns whether radiation will reach the U.S. and how much of a potential danger it would pose.

Hate the Doctor? Here's the Bare Minimum for Health

If you can't remember the last time you saw a doctor (taking your kids to the pediatrician doesn't count), you're probably long overdue for a checkup. Whether it's ego, lack of time, or just not fond of needles, men are known to resist medical care.

Black Raspberries May Prevent Colon Cancer

It turns out that these sweet little berries may play a key role in preventing colon cancer. And there are creative ways you can incorporate this super fruit into your daily menu.

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