Cancer - Prevention

Are You at Risk for Pancreatic Cancer?

Many people have lesions on their pancreas, which can lead to cancer. Now, researchers are finding out who is at highest risk. Here’s what you need to know--including 7 warning signs.

The Top 6 Carcinogens in America

Plus, how to avoid exposure to these cancer-causing substances.

Common Cancer Screening Techniques

How do these common tests detect potentially deadly cancers?

The Facts About 4 Common Cancers

… And how you may be able to prevent them.

Colon Cancer Screening: A Life-Saving Step

The importance of early detection--and a new option.

Aspirin and Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Can a daily dose of aspirin help prevent cancer?

Painkillers and Breast Cancer: What s the Link?

Aspirin and other painkillers may reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence in obese women. Here s how it works.

Diabetes and the Risk of Head and Neck Cancers

Could you be at risk for cancers of the head and neck?

Breast Cancer: 6 Lessons From the Past Year

What the latest research on preventing, detecting, and treating breast cancer means for you.

Breast Cancer and Calorie Restriction

Can weight loss help prevent breast cancer?

Breast Cancer by the Numbers

All the latest statistics on the most common cancer in women.

The Link Between Shift Work and Cancer Risk

Shift work (working during the time when most people are asleep) may increase your risk of cancer learn what you can do about it.

Does Alcohol Increase Your Risk of Cancer?

Alcohol consumption is a significant risk factor for cancer, but the headlines may be a bit misleading.

"Cold Caps" May Prevent Hair Loss From Chemo

One of the most psychologically and socially devastating side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss. Although not yet FDA-approved, cold caps have helped many women hold onto their locks.

Can Honeybees Detect Cancer?

Research shows bees can be trained to sniff out early-stage cancer.

The Link Between Citrus Peels and Skin Cancer Protection

Can citrus zest prevent skin cancer? It may. While more research needs to be done, there is an association between citrus peel consumption and a reduced rate of skin cancer. Don t toss that sunscreen just yet, though!

Consider Becoming a Platelet Donor

Many patients undergoing chemotherapy are in need of platelets. Here's how you can help.

What's Your White Blood Cell Count?

In addition to knowing your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol numbers, you should also know your white blood cell count. Here's the lifesaving reason why.

Can E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Kick the Habit?

They've been touted as a less-toxic alternative to regular cigarettes. But research suggests e-cigarettes may have little effect on smoking cessation. Learn more.

Chemo Brain: What You Need to Know

The brain fog experienced by people with cancer can be controlled. Here's what it is, and what you, or a loved one, can do about it.

Genes and Breast Cancer: Are You at Risk?

Both breast and ovarian cancers are strongly linked to two specific genes. Learn more about what options are available for women with mutations in these genes.

Promising New Research on Leukemia and Lymphoma

Scientists are learning much more about leukemia and lymphoma. This is good news for those with either condition. Here's the update.

Grapefruit Juice and Meds: A Dangerous Combo

Grapefruit juice can increase the potency of certain drugs, converting them to life-threatening doses. Here's what you need to know.

Get Smart About Health Info in the Media

Here's how to understand the latest health news and what it means for your diagnosis.

The Facts About Childhood Leukemia

It's a frightening topic. Fortunately, huge strides have been made in treatment, and a majority of cases go into remission.

Young Women Get Breast Cancer, Too

Though most cases of breast cancer occur in women over 55, thousands under the age of 40 are diagnosed each year. Find out if you're at increased risk and what you can do to protect yourself.

How Carcinogens Cause Cancer

Environmental factors account for about two-thirds of all cancer cases, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Here's what you need to know.

Skin Cancer: Researching How It Spreads so It Can Be Stopped

Understanding how melanoma metastasizes will help scientists develop potential new treatment therapies.

Promising Treatments for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm

Learn how one person with Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) used his diagnosis to bring awareness to this rare type of blood cancer.

Living With Cancer? 10 Healthy Habits to Follow

Don't let cancer cramp your style. These hints will help you thrive during treatment.

Are You Covered? The Case for Cancer Insurance

Think you're covered in case of cancer? You might need to think again.

Thyroid Disease Treatments: An Overview

The treatment of thyroid disease depends on many factors, including the type and severity of the disorder as well as the age and overall health of the patient.

The Health Benefits of Milk Thistle Herb

This little-known herb has been used since ancient times to treat liver ailments. Learn more about it.

The Anti-Angiogenesis Diet: Can It Prevent Cancer?

Angiogenesis is a controlled process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels. When the balance of angiogenesis is off-balance in the body, abnormal blood vessels grow, potentially leading to cancer. Can certain foods inhibit this loss of control?

Living With Cancer? How to Help Others Help You

After disclosing your cancer diagnosis, you may find friends and family behaving differently toward you. Here's how to put an end to the awkwardness.

Immune to Cancer: Is It Possible?

Ever noticed how some people seem to be more resistant to getting sick? Preliminary research suggests this phenomenon may apply to cancer as well.

The Case Against Ovarian Cancer Screens

With many diseases, early detection results in better treatment results. But that's not the case with ovarian cancer. Here's why.

Can Red Wine Help Cure Prostate Cancer?

Raise a glass to this recent finding: A compound in red wine may make prostate tumor cells more responsive to radiation treatment.

When Is It Time for a Colonoscopy?

The colonoscopy is both a screening tool and a preventative measure. Learn more about how this procedure can protect your health, and when it s time to have one.

Top Cancer-Fighting Foods

Which natural foods are the top standouts when it comes to boosting your cancer-fighting power?

Oral Cancer 101

Oral cancer includes cancer of the mouth, back of the mouth, and lips. It usually begins in the flat cells that cover the surface of the mouth.

The Sepsis Epidemic

An estimated 750,000 Americans get sepsis each year and 28 and 50 percent will die from the infection. Who's at risk for sepsis, and what can be done to prevent it?

How to Take Aspirin the Safe Way

Get the health benefits without upsetting your stomach.

Cervical Cancer: Risks and Prevention

Cervical cancer used to be one of the most common causes of death from cancer for American women. Rates have improved, but it's still essential to have the facts.

How Your Gut Protects You From Disease

A strong intestinal barrier may be key to preventing certain cancers and other diseases. Here's how to strengthen yours.

The Common Precancerous Skin Condition You Probably Don t Know

Here s why you should become familiar with the symptoms of Actinic Keratosis.

Why Only Some Smokers Get Cancer

Smoking is a significant risk factor for lung (and other) cancers and is responsible for almost 90 percent of all lung cancer deaths. However, we all know individuals who smoke for a long time and never develop cancer.

Cocoa May Prevent Colon Cancer

Popping a piece of chocolate every day may offer protection against colon cancer. Here's why and the best bites for you.

Health by the Numbers: Cancer

If detected early, many forms of cancer can be successfully treated. Here's a look at the disease by the numbers.

Health by the Numbers: Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, but it is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Here's a look at the disease by the numbers.

Bowel and Pancreatic Cancer Breakthrough

A new test may save thousands of lives by helping doctors diagnose bowel and pancreatic cancers earlier.

5 Symptoms Men Ignore

Men can prevent health risks by paying attention to changes in their body and seeing their doctor when something isn't right.

Cancer Vaccine Progress

Scientists are at work on a vaccine that would prevent the development of cancer cells in the body. Get the update.

What Are Today's Mammogram Guidelines?

What do the guidelines from the United States Preventive Task Force mean for you?

Warding Off Skin Cancer

Skin cancer rates are likely to increase in the coming years. Find out how behavioral and dietary changes can reduce your risk.

What You Need to Know About Testicular Cancer

Here are the risk factors, screening options, symptoms, and treatment methods for testicular cancer, a type of cancer that results in hundreds of deaths each year in the U.S.

15 Ways to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

There is no guaranteed protection against breast cancer, but there are things you can do to reduce your risk.

A Year of Living Less Dangerously

Keeping up with all your health screenings may seem daunting, but this list can get you started on a year of healthy living.

Should You Be Screened for Cancer? The Benefits and Risks

Screening is the process of looking for cancer in people who have no symptoms. Although it could potentially catch the disease in its early stages, it could also bring on unnecessary worry and angst. Learn more about the pros and cons of this controversial topic.

Eat to Beat Bowel Cancer

Fresh fruits and vegetables help fight disease, but do you know which ones are best to prevent developing bowel cancer?

Are Stylists Your Best Line of Defense Against Skin Cancer?

Your scalp can be a hidden zone for skin cancer, but a new study and advocacy campaign gets behind an innovative solution.

Can Coffee Keep Skin Cancer Away?

Learn what researchers have found about caffeine's effect on skin cancer prevention.

Best Foods to Prevent Bowel Cancers

Fresh fruits and vegetables can help fight cancer, but do you know which ones are best for your bowel?

Why Men Are More Likely to Die of Cancer Than Women

While cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women, there are particular factors unique to men that make them more susceptible of ending the battle against cancer sooner than in women.

Cancer Trends Today

While cancer treatments continue to become more effective and targeted, the number of people diagnosed with cancer is on the rise. Understand the high-level trends and how they could affect you.

Mammograms vs. Treatment: What's Working?

Mammograms save lives. Or do they? Breast cancer deaths have declined over the past two decades. Is this due to routine screenings or better treatment techniques?

How Smoking Causes Cancer

You know it does, but do you know how and why smoking is one of the greatest health risks out there? Understanding what's behind the risk might help you or a loved one give them up for good.

Men Get Breast Cancer, Too

Many men may find this to be startling news, but breast cancer doesn't happen only in women. Although men don't have breasts in the sense that women do, they do have breast tissue and enough of it to make breast cancer possible.

Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?

You've heard they do. You've heard they don't. So, what are the experts saying about the real risk?

Health Advice at the Hair Salon

Over the last few years, some hair salons and barbers have been dispensing more than just trims. They've been giving out health advice, too.

Should You Get Screened for Ovarian Cancer?

Some physicians call ovarian cancer the silent killer because of its vague, non-specific symptoms. So on the surface, it sounds like regular screening would save lives. But it's not that simple.

Cut the Cancer Risk From Your Backyard Barbeque

Numerous studies have linked the consumption of red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) and processed meats to an increased risk for a wide range of cancers.

The Latest Sunscreen Guidelines

When you apply sunscreens that say "broad spectrum," "sweat-resistant," or "SPF 100," are you truly getting the protection you paid for? These new sunscreen regulations can help you make the right choice to protect yourself.

Everyday Products and Cancer Risk

Did you know that many products used for personal hygiene and beauty can be major sources of human exposure to dangerous chemicals?

6 Sun Smarts for Babies and Toddlers

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. So, when fresh air and sunshine beckons your family outside to play, be sure to pack sunscreen along with your diapers, snacks, and other essentials. Here's all you need to know.

Breast Cancer and Family Risk Factors

Although advancing age and being a woman are the two most significant risk factors for breast cancer, a family history also raises your risk of developing breast cancer and developing it at a younger age.

Chemo and Heart Failure

One chemo side effect is the potential to increase patients' risk for heart failure, particularly in those who already have heart disease. Here's what you should know and what you can do.

Basal Cell Carcinoma: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Did you know that basal cell carcinoma is the most common kind of cancer in America? It can ravage your skin and even cause disfiguration if not treated properly. Be sure you know how to detect and deal with signs of this skin cancer.

Full-Body Scans: Too Much of a Good Thing?

What could be the downsides of potentially detecting cancer or another serious disease before it advances to a more-difficult-to-treat stage? Well, 150 times more radiation than a chest x-ray, for one thing.

Want to Live Longer? Eat Whole Grain Fiber

We all know that eating a diet rich in whole grains is good for your heart. Now a new study shows that the kind of fiber found in whole grains may also reduce your risk of dying at an early age from a variety of other causes.

3-D Mammograms: Pros and Cons

The new technique of 3-D mammograms, or digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), overlays 3-D optical mammogram images with x-ray images.

A Really Good Reason to Floss

Researchers have found that women are 11 times more likely to develop this serious condition if they are missing teeth or have gum disease. What's the connection?

Tests for Prostate Cancer: Effective or Not?

Although prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men (lung cancer being number one) it's not clear if the benefits of screening outweigh the risks of treating what is generally a slow-growing and treatable (in the early stages) cancer.

Cruciferous Vegetables Are Prevention Powerhouses

The evidence is overwhelming that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps prevent cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, in particular, deliver compounds that help prevent the transformation of normal cells into cancer.

What is Hemochromatosis?

Also known as hereditary hemochromatosis, the body absorbs too much iron from foods you eat. The excess iron then gets stored in your organs, especially the liver, heart, and pancreas, which over time can damage them and lead to life-threatening illnesses.

Can Allergies Prevent Cancer?

Who would have thought that having allergies could actually be good for you? You may hate the sneezing, coughing, and itching that come with allergies, but researchers have discovered a new reason to appreciate this misery.

Secondhand Smoke and Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

When it comes to kids and secondhand smoke, is there a safe level? And what does secondhand smoke affect?

Radiation from Japan: How Much Is Unsafe?

All eyes have been on Japan as residents struggle to recover from the earthquake and tsunami. Fears of nuclear radiation leaks persist, raising questions and concerns whether radiation will reach the U.S. and how much of a potential danger it would pose.

Hate the Doctor? Here's the Bare Minimum for Health

If you can't remember the last time you saw a doctor (taking your kids to the pediatrician doesn't count), you're probably long overdue for a checkup. Whether it's ego, lack of time, or just not fond of needles, men are known to resist medical care.

Black Raspberries May Prevent Colon Cancer

It turns out that these sweet little berries may play a key role in preventing colon cancer. And there are creative ways you can incorporate this super fruit into your daily menu.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment Update

The standard of care for ovarian cancer treatment has changed over time. What's the latest in the battle against this hard-to-diagnose disease?

Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Causes, Treatment, Prevention

Almost a quarter of a million Americans are diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma every year, and the numbers are growing. But what are the causes and warning signs? And are you doing enough to protect yourself?

Can Drinking Milk Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer?

Recall the days of your childhood. Does it involve you drinking a half pint of milk each day at school? If so, it can have a tremendous impact on whether or not you're at risk for colon cancer.

Does Aspirin Prevent Cancer?

While cancer researchers have often come to conflicting conclusions in their studies, to date the results are encouraging.

Airport Scanners: Cancer Concerns?

Does radiation from the airport x-ray scanners pose a health risk, including increased risk of cancer? Here are the facts.

Fit in Fruits and Vegetables

Eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables can feel a bit daunting, especially for busy families on the go. The good news is that it's a lot easier than you might imagine.

Cancer Remission and Recurrence

The goal of cancer treatment is to put the disease in remission. But cancer can recur in several different ways.

New Risk Factors Identified for Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is among the sneakiest cancers. Its symptoms can be so vague that 80 percent of women who develop it don't know they have it until it's spread to other organs. Recent studies, however, reveal new genetic clues about who's at risk.

Pain Relievers and Cancer Risk

Is it possible that certain widely-used pain relievers may have a role in cancer prevention and treatment?

Top 5 Supplements for Men

The key to effective supplementation is to know what you're taking and why you're taking it.

Michael Douglas's Battle: Understanding Throat Cancer

The National Cancer Institute predicts approximately 25,000 people will develop throat cancer in 2010.

Skin Cancer Myths and Facts

The most common type of cancer in the United States is also widely misunderstood. Take action to keep you and your family safe from skin cancer.

Why Is Ovarian Cancer So Deadly?

Find out what makes this form of cancer so fatal.

The Link between Asthma, Eczema, and Cancer

It s hard to imagine anything positive about having asthma or eczema. However, a recent study suggested that men who have either immune system disease have a lower risk for common types of cancer.

Can Fish Oil Really Prevent Cancer?

This supplement has a big reputation, but what do the studies show when it comes to cancer prevention?

How to Eat Cleanly to Prevent Colon Cancer

Scientists have been accumulating evidence that a poor diet is a strong risk factor for colon and rectal cancer (colorectal). A new study provides additional, convincing support.

Could Cleaning Products Increase Your Risk of Cancer?

One study stated that women with the highest self-reported use of household cleaning products had twice the risk of developing breast cancer. What should you do?

6 Tests All Men Need

Most men are more likely to get a tune-up for their car than they are a checkup for themselves. Don't let health take a backseat. Here, six health tests every man should have.

Should You Be Worried About an Abnormal Pap Smear?

According to the National Cancer Institute, about 55 million pap smears are performed each year and of those, only 3.5 million are abnormal, requiring further medical follow-up.

How Much Tanning is Too Much?

Despite all the warnings about the link between the sun and skin cancer, many people still try to keep tanned. So that prompts us to ask the question: how much tanning is too much?

Does Herpes Raise Your Cancer Risk?

Here's the information you need to know to protect yourself when it comes to the herpes virus.

The Link Between Genes and Testicular Cancer

Doctors and researchers are not clear on what causes this disease, which affects approximately 8,000 new patients each year, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

4 Surprising Causes of a High PSA Result

Although the recommended testing procedure for prostate cancer is controversial, the truth is that prostate health should be of top priority for men ages 45 and older.

A Urine Test for Colon Cancer

Urine tests, which have been used to some degree to help screen for prostate, bladder, breast, and lung cancer, may also be effective for detecting and diagnosing colon cancer.

7 Mammogram Guideline Questions Answered

In late 2009, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) created a brouhaha among cancer organizations, physicians, women's advocacy groups, and patients when it released its updated mammography screening recommendations. Here are the highlights from these guidelines.

Banishing Dirt and Germs Indoors May Be Safer and Easier Than You Think

Recent findings by the US Environmental Protection Agency found that air inside the home may be more polluted than outdoor air, because of toxins contained in common cleaning solutions.

Everything You Need to Know about Pap Smears

The Pap smear, or Papanicolaou test, looks for abnormal changes on the cells of the cervix that may indicate cervical cancer.

Melanoma of the Eye: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that can strike in unexpected places, including the eye.

Environmental Factors and Cancer

The National Cancer Institute implicates environmental factors in about two-thirds of cancer cases.

The Link Between Processed Meat and Ovarian Cancer

Health experts have long linked processed foods, such as hot dogs, sausages, and most lunchmeats to many forms of cancers, including esophageal, lung, pancreatic, stomach, colorectal, endometrial, and prostate. Now they ve added ovarian cancer to the list.

Polyps and Colon Cancer

The statistics are sobering: According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), more than 145,000 people each year are diagnosed with colon cancer, and nearly 50,000 people die from the disease. But most cases can be caught before they turn into full-blown cancer.

What You Probably Don't Know About Male Asthma and Cancer

Men who have asthma are less likely to be diagnosed with common forms of cancer than their healthier counterparts. Common asthmatic symptoms such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, and chest discomfort can play an important role to ward off cancer.

The Truth About SPF

Sun exposure is the single biggest risk factor for skin cancers, so here's what you need to know about sunscreens.

Multivitamins and Breast Cancer Risk

Do multivitamins help prevent cancer? Or do they contribute to the risks? Find out here.

The Truth About False Positives for Cancer

A positive result on a cancer screening test means you have cancer, right? Not necessarily.

Are You at Risk for Endometrial Cancer?

Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological cancer in women over 45, and the fourth most common cancer in women. When detected and treated early, however, endometrial cancer patients have extremely good survival odds.

5 Ways your TV is Slowly Killing You

Research suggests that your TV-viewing habit can be a deadly pastime.

3 Lifestyle Risks for Breast Cancer Recurrence

You can significantly reduce your risk for breast cancer recurrence by addressing three lifestyle-related risk factors: being overweight, smoking, and drinking excess alcohol.

Aspirin and Breast Cancer Survival

An easy way to help prevent breast cancer and increase survival in breast cancer patients may be as close as your medicine cabinet. Two new studies add to the growing body of evidence that aspirin could possibly play a role inhibiting the development and recurrence of breast cancer.

Mangoes May Ward off Colon and Breast Cancer

Studies suggest the mango may be effective in preventing the growth of colon cancer cells. An added benefit? It may ward off breast cancer, too.

How to Test for Cancer at Home

With all the emphasis on early cancer screening, it s no surprise that at-home screening tests are becoming widely available. However, just because you can screen yourself for some cancers, does that mean you should?

Urine Test for Cancer

Physicians routinely use the simple urine test to monitor patients health and diagnose disease. Recently, however, scientists have discovered that urine tests may be helpful in detecting cancer as well.

Are Colon Cancer Rates Declining?

Amidst gloomy reports about the rates of cancer, there is a ray of good news. Over the past several decades, the incidence of colon and rectal cancers (colorectal, or CRC) has declined significantly.

Sex Your Way to a Healthier Heart

Sex has innumerable benefits, and growing evidence is proving that improved heart health is one of them.

A New Cancer Treatment May Improve Asthma

You probably don't associate asthma and cancer, but researchers may now have reason to believe that a new form of cancer treatment may also help improve your breathing difficulties.

7 Common Cancer-Causing Agents

Americans are exposed to about 100,000 chemicals daily, and scientists have linked at least 220 of them to the development of cancer.

Is Electrosmog Harming Your Health?

Electrical pollution from cell phones and WiFi known as "electrosmog" is hazardous to our health, according to recent research.

Alcohol Linked to Breast Cancer Recurrence

Women who have survived breast cancer are understandably concerned that they will develop a second breast cancer. However, recent research shows that by limiting their alcohol consumption, breast cancer survivors significantly reduce their risk recurrence.

HPV and Throat Cancer

HPV is commonly linked with cervical cancer. Recently, researchers are fearful of HPV-related throat cancer.

BPH and Prostate Cancer

If you're experiencing symptoms of an enlarged prostate, you may unnecessarily jump to the conclusion that you have prostate cancer. That said, BPH could be a warning sign of things to come.

What's the best way to detect breast cancer—mammogram, breast ultrasound, or MRI?

Dr. Anne Wallace, professor of clinical surgery and director of UCSD Moore's Cancer Center Breast Care Unit, answers a reader's question about tests that can detect breast cancer.

How can I protect myself against cervical cancer?

Tri Dinh, M.D., FACOG, answers a reader's question about taking precautions to prevent cervical cancer.

Is There Hope for a Prostate Cancer Vaccine?

In an ideal world, we could prevent cancer instead of just treating it after the fact. For men, the possibility of one or more vaccines for preventing prostate cancer is looming large.

Turmeric for Breast Cancer Risk

There's good news for post-menopausal women who are at high risk for developing certain types of breast cancers. Researchers say a common spice may protect against some breast cancers. Even better, this ingredient is probably already in your kitchen pantry.

How to Detect a Brain Tumor

Although 35,000 people in the U.S. develop brain cancer annually, physicians generally diagnose it after symptoms appear, when it s usually too late to cure.

Breast Cancer: Could You Be "Over" Diagnosed?

Mammograms save lives. This is the prevailing message from the medical community to women about breast cancer screening. But is it the right message?

Do-It-Yourself: Fight Melanoma

Stopping melanoma is a fight you can take on yourself. Here, tips on how to keep your skin cancer-free.

Mammograms: Traditional Versus Digital

Until recently, the traditional mammogram was the gold standard for breast cancer screening. Today, digital mammograms are also an option. Which is better?

Share Your Story. Become a Health Hero.

Have you or a loved one survived a life-threatening disease? Are you currently struggling with depression, chronic pain, heart disease, or other health-related condition? Have you gone to extraordinary lengths to help someone in a health crisis? If so, we want to hear from you!

Fruits and Veggies May Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk

There's more reason than ever to get your daily five servings.

Genes and Skin Cancer Risk

Genes play a large role in whether or not someone is susceptible to a particular disease or condition. Find out if your family history raising your risk of skin cancer.

PSA Test for Prostate Cancer: To Screen or Not to Screen

Controversy is brewing about whether routine PSA testing for prostate cancer is beneficial and whether it saves lives.

Diet and Colon Cancer Risk

Find out what links your diet and your risk for developing this form of cancer.

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Cut Your Colorectal Cancer Risk?

Learn about a surprising side effect of this common therapy.

What is a Sigmoidoscopy?

How can this procedure help you? Find out here.

Early Detection for Prostate Cancer

Find out how you can catch prostate cancer before it takes hold.

All About the PSA Test

This simple blood test measures the level of PSA, a protein produced in the prostate, present in a man s body.

Non-Colonoscopy Colon Screening Procedures

Colonoscopy isn't the only way to screen for colon cancer.

Can HPV Cause Non-Cervical Cancers?

In 2006, the Food and Drug Administration approved Gardisall, a vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. We know for a fact that HPV human papilloma virus causes cervical cancer. Although less common, HPV can also cause other cancers as well.

Diabetes and the Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

Study sheds new light on the diabetes and breast cancer link.

Importance of Smoking Cessation Support Groups

Find out if getting some support is the boost you need to kick the habit.

Can Allergies Help Prevent Cancer?

Who would have thought that your allergies could be a blessing in disguise?

How to Perform a Mole Check

Here's a simple way to get to know your moles.

Patrick Swayze Succumbs to Pancreatic Cancer

As fans mourn the passing of Patrick Swayze from pancreatic cancer, learn about this deadly disease and how to reduce your risk.

Frequent Sex Linked to Prostate Cancer?

Younger men who are very active sexually seem more prone to prostate cancer.

Special Cases: The 9 Rarest Cancers

Just because some are more notorious than others, doesn't make these cancers less deadly.

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging for Breast Cancer

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging, or thermography, may be the best breast cancer screening tool you ve never heard of.

Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer

Here, the link between diabetes and pancreatic cancer and a diabetes medication that can lower the risk.

Are You Addicted to Tanning Beds?

It's not possible to be addicted to it?

Ted Kennedy Dies from Brain Cancer: Is This Form of Cancer Treatable?

Is brain cancer treatable? The death of Ted Kennedy has sounded the alarm of this rare disease. New advances in treatment offer more hope than before.

The Five Deadliest Cancers

Here s a look at the five deadliest cancers and the factors that may increase your risk.

Fertility and Cancer

Learn how to protect your fertility when you have cancer.

Breast Cancer and Antidepressants

Numerous studies over the past seven years have produced conflicting results as to whether certain antidepressants reduce the effectiveness of tamoxifen, a drug women with breast cancer often take.

TNF Blockers: A Safe Choice?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews the safety of autoimmune disorder drugs.

Importance of Colonoscopy for Cancer Prevention

Find out how this one procedure can make all the difference.

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy

Getting a colonoscopy is one of the best ways to prevent colon cancer. However, there are a few things you should know before heading into this procedure.

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy with Crohn s Disease

If you have Crohn s disease, you are probably already familiar with what it s like to have a colonoscopy. Physicians use this procedure to diagnose bowel disease and it s invaluable in screening for colon and rectal cancer.

Breast Cancer Prevention: 5 Things You Can Do Today

With so many women being diagnosed with breast cancer every year, it may seem inevitable that you or someone you know will get it. The good news is there are many things you can do to help prevent the disease.

Why Mastectomies are on the Rise

After 20 years of treating breast cancer with less invasive techniques such as a lumpectomy, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. Now, many women are opting to have both breasts removed after they develop cancer in one breast. If you are facing breast cancer, here s what you should know.

The Truth about Cancer Vaccines

A new help for cancer patients may be on the horizon.

Quit Smoking: Write a Journal

If you re trying to quit smoking to reduce your risk of lung cancer, a journal may be an invaluable addition to your smoking cessation toolbox.

Ovarian Cancer: What You Need to Know

From symptoms to treatments, here's a rundown of what every woman should know.

The Link Between Heart Disease and Cancer

How are these most feared diseases related?

Antioxidants for Breast Cancer

Can you utilize the power of antioxidants for breast cancer treatment?

Exercise and Breast Cancer

You know exercise is good for your heart, but did you know it also plays an important role in preventing and treating breast cancer?

New Developments in Colon Cancer Prevention and Treatment

The very latest in colorectal cancer developments.

Does Alcohol Affect Your Risk of Cancer?

Reducing your alcohol consumption reduces your risk of developing cancer.

Celebrities with Cancer

Those who stand in the limelight also stand up to and for cancer.

Genetic Screening: Discovering Your Cancer Risk

Are you at higher risk for cancer because of your genes?

Foods that Prevent Breast Cancer

You can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer--using your diet.

Prevent Ovarian Cancer: What You Can Do

This silent disease is more common than you may think.

Skin Cancer: What to Look For

When it comes it sun exposure, too much of a good thing can lead to skin cancer.

Products That Protect Against Skin Cancer

Don't let outdoor activities put you at risk for skin cancer.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer: What to Look For

Colon cancer--common and highly curable

How Much Does Crohn's Increase Your Colon Cancer Risk?

You may be at higher risk, but there are ways you can protect yourself.

Do You Know the Symptoms of Colon Cancer?

If caught early, colon cancer has a very high cure rate. Learn what signs to look for.

Tips to Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer

This silent disease is more common than you may think. Learn how you can protect yourself.

What Does Your Family's Health History Mean For Your Health?

You exercise, eat right, get plenty of sleep, and avoid excess stress. Complete your health puzzle by learning your family's health history.

Deli Dangers

The next time you have a craving for deli meats, think twice. There could be health dangers lurking behind that deli counter. Here is the information you need to know before you make or buy your next sandwich.

10 Sun-Smartest and Sun-Dumbest Cities in America

When it comes to UV exposure, is your town savvy or foolish? Find out here.

4 Benefits of Eating Whole Grains

A diet rich in whole grains can help lower the risk of some serious health conditions.

5 Foods That Could Cause Cancer

Are French fries dangerous? Can popcorn make you sick? Find out which foods may cause cancer.

5 Strange But True Health Facts

Some may be hard to believe, but all are true.

5 Scariest Modern Health Risks

Could today's innovations be hazardous to your health? Read on to get the real story.

Help Protect Yourself Against Breast Cancer

Find out how you can reduce your risk of acquiring this disease.

The 3 Scariest Mistakes That Doctors Make

Simple screw-ups are a part of life, but in medicine, these mistakes can be fatal. Learn how to protect yourself.

Understanding Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the United States. Here, a guide to the disease, from screening to treatment.

Weight-Loss Secrets From Around the Globe

Get the inside scoop on how certain countries manage to stay so slim.

Are Brain Tumors on the Rise?

More people are being diagnosed with brain tumors than ever before. Find out why.

Understanding HPV and Cervical Cancer

The relationship between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer is a complex one. Get the facts now.

Understanding Heartburn and GERD

Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), if it occurs regularly is a common digestive disorder that affects about 15 million Americans. Learn about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.



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