Men's Health - Original Articles

4 Steps to Finding Your Perfect Fitness Plan

From the best time to work out to zeroing in on exercises you love, here's how to rev up your routine so you can start to see results.

Healthy Kitchen: What's in, What's Out?

As nutritional research evolves, the list of recommended staples to stock in your kitchen changes. Here's an updated list.

Can E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Kick the Habit?

They've been touted as a less-toxic alternative to regular cigarettes. But research suggests e-cigarettes may have little effect on smoking cessation. Learn more.

Have You and Your Spouse Grown Apart?

If you aren't feeling connected to your spouse these days, read on for steps you can take to turn around your relationship.

How to Care for Your Contact Lenses

Cleaning and storing your contact lenses as prescribed are essential in keeping your eyes free from infection. Follow these key steps.

8 Easy Tips for Organizing Your Medicine Cabinet

Follow this handy guide so you're fully prepared when minor injuries and illnesses strike.

Are Vegetables Enough?

Are the greens on your plate providing you with the nutrients your body needs? Something may be missing.

What Type of Body Fat Is Most Dangerous?

More than one third of adults and nearly one in five children are obese. However, not all fat is created equal.

Herpes Complications to Watch Out For

Typically, the herpes virus is easily managed. However, there are some complications that can result in long-term health issues.

Why Your Body Needs Water

H20 doesn't just quench your thirst; it also helps fuel vital processes in the body. How much should you be drinking?

Letting Go of Your Teen: Why It's Important

He craves more independence, but you aren't ready to give up control. Unfortunately, this kind of interference on your part can endanger your child's development, among other things.

Do You Have Too Much of This Type of Fat?

Excess abdominal fat, especially visceral fat, may be a risk factor for some serious health problems. Fortunately, you can take measures to improve your health. Here's how.

Someone's Gained Weight: What to Say (and Not Say)

If someone near to you has recently gained weight, you may feel it's your duty to say something, but consider this expert insight first.

How to Deal With Your Ex During Special Occasions

Here are 10 strategies to help you handle parties, dinners, or school plays in which your ex is also a guest.

6 DIY Massage Techniques

Relieve stress, reduce pain, and even improve your mood. If you lack the time or money to see a professional masseuse, here's how to reap the benefits of this therapy in the comfort of your own home.

Healthy Spotlight: Kale

If you're wondering why all the buzz about this popular leafy green, find out what makes it a nutritional powerhouse and how you can enjoy it as a part of your healthy diet.

6 Common Pet-Training Mistakes

Don't wait too long. Start training when your pet is young, and he'll be less likely to develop behavioral problems as time goes on.

Be Prepared for Unexpected Health Expenses

If you're living with a chronic health condition, being monetarily prepared in the event of a medical emergency is the key to avoiding financial disaster.

Could Your Partner Have Alexithymia?

This little-known personality trait may be causing an emotional disconnect between you and your spouse. Here's how to spot it, and how to reconnect again.

Sex Secrets: The Male G-Spot

Research suggests a small gland may provide great sexual stimulation for men.

The Lowdown on Low-Residue Diets

Designed to reduce the frequency and volume of stools while prolonging intestinal travel time, low-residue diets typically contain less than 10 grams of fiber per day. Here's more of what you need to know.

Advanced Prostate Cancer: New Treatment Options

Cutting-edge treatments for those with advanced prostate cancer are helping to slow down the progression of the disease and are doing so with fewer side effects.

7 Easy Ways to Enjoy Doing Nothing

Experts say that doing nothing can reduce stress, help you heal faster, and contribute to a sense of well-being. Here's how to do nothing the enjoyable way.

Beauty Trend to Try: A Back Facial

The hard-to-reach areas on your back will benefit from this skin-smoothing spa treatment.

7 Myths About Ticks

When it comes to these bugs, what's fact and what's fiction? Let us set the record straight.

Is Work-Life Balance a Myth?

"Work-life balance." It's a pretty elusive term. Is it actually possible to have it all?

5 Habits to Help You Get (and Stay) Organized

Save time and stress with these ingenious ideas from organizing experts.

10 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Weight

Now that you got it off, keep it off! We'll show you how.

4 Tips to Find Your Focus

Having trouble paying attention? Train your brain and improve your ability to concentrate.

Are You Sabotaging Your Allergy Treatment?

If you're ignoring these eight guidelines, your allergy symptoms may not have the opportunity to improve.