Healthy Aging - Videos

Eliminate Cramps with New Procedure?

One in three women experience chronic pelvic pain from painful intercourse to monthly cramps.

Why It Can Sting When Soap Gets into Your Urethra

Here’s what you can do to protect yourself. 

Do You Follow Best Tampon Etiquette?

OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry answers a viewer’s question about how often you really need to change your tampon.

Changes after Childbirth That You Might Not Be Expecting

Nicole wonders what she can do about her incontinence after the traumatic birth of her second son. Urologist Dr. Aaron Spitz shares some treatments that may be effective.

Can Eating Clean Keep You Clean 'Down There'?

The “panty challenge” claims that eating healthy and drinking enough water can eliminate discharge. Is that true?

Should You Use Hydrogen Peroxide ‘Down There’?!

Women who use hydrogen peroxide down there claim that it leaves their vaginas clean, fresh, and healthy. OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry weighs in.

Is My Breast Milk Safe?

OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry shares about rusty pipe syndrome that occurs in new breastfeeding moms causing their milk to look light pink, brown or rust-colored. Is the milk safe for the baby?

Should Pregnant Women Try Belly Pumping?

OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry shares about “belly pumping” which is a core exercise that is gaining popularity for pregnant women.

Pregnancy Trend: At-Home Fetal Monitors

Should you invest in a device that might help you hear your baby’s heartbeat at home? OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry explains two types of devices on the market and whether you should try it or skip it.

What Causes Frequent Periods?

OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry shares what could be causing your frequent periods.

Magnets for Menopause?

Would you try menopause magnets to help get rid of symptoms like hot flashes, bloating and night sweats? Integrative medicine physician Dr. Nyjon Eccles joins to explain how it works.

Is Birth Control Linked to Cancer?

Surgical breast specialist Dr. Kristi Funk joins The Doctors to discuss the claim that birth control increases your risk of all kinds of cancers.

Stroke Survivor Defies Every Prognosis

Brisa was a vibrant 32 year old living a fast-paced New York City life until one day her face swelled up and she suffered a Pons stroke. With her family by her side, she made an unthinkable recovery.

Woman Shares How Her Pelvic Prolapse Has Impacted Her Life

Anita joins The Doctors in the medical confessional to seek help for her pelvic organ prolapse that she’s been dealing with for over ten years.

The Surprising Thing That Could Be Causing Your Yeast Infection

Take The Doctors pop quiz to find out what about your life style could be contributing to frequent yeast infections.

Why Do Men Frequently Pee at Night?

Urologist Dr. Aaron Spitz joins The Doctors to share several surprising reasons men might be getting up several times in the night.

Extreme Anorexic Returns from Rehab

The Doctors met Stephanie earlier this season who struggled with anorexia for 16 years. She entered a 90-day program, and joins The Doctors to share about her recovery.

Moving Forward after 16 Years of Anorexia

Stephanie has come out of her 90-day stay at Remuda Ranch with hope. The Doctors share some special surprises for Stephanie moving forward.

Postpartum Shedding?

The Doctors discuss a viral video revealing one of the lesser talked about effects for postpartum women…extreme hair loss.

My Husband Nearly Killed Me

The Doctors met Brandi last season, a domestic abuse survivor who lost the use of one of her eyes due to scarring and double vision from a brutal attack.


Living with Endometriosis is NOT easy. When an Endo flare up begins to creep in it’s like the growing intensity of a hammer thudding against your pelvis. It sucks. Try this flow to ease pain.

Feminine Hygiene Products for the Homeless

Nearly half of the homeless population in the United States are women who are struggling to meet basic needs â€" including feminine hygiene. The Doctors hit the streets with Chelsea Vonchaz of #HappyPeriod to help those in need.

How You Can Help Get Feminine Products to the Homeless

Chelsea Vonchaz, founder of #HappyPeriod, donates feminine products to those in need. Find out how you can help and see the amazing surprises The Doctors have in store for her organization.

Rubbing Alcohol for Hot Flashes?

Could spritzing yourself with rubbing alcohol help with hot flashes?

Could this Device Help You Say Goodbye to Menstrual Cramps

The Livia device claims to give you an “off” button for your menstrual cramps. Paige and Rachel join the show to share their results.

Outliving and Outsmarting ALS

The Doctors welcome Augie, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2005, and his wife Lynne to the show. They discuss their new documentary “Augie” that shows the brutal truth of living life with ALS.

Could There Soon Be a Cure for ALS?

ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Augie and his wife Lynne have raised over 60 million dollars through Augie’s Quest and feel hopeful for a cure.

Dr. Nita Landry's Vaginal Commandments

OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry shares warnings about a new wasp nest product that claims to help you down there.

Extreme Incontinence is Ruining My Life

Shannon suffers from extreme incontinence. She joins The Doctors to see if she can find a solution for this embarrassing problem.

Feminine Cleanse with a Cucumber?

This controversial all-natural health trend is going viral, but OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry warns people of the health risks involved.