Cancer - Original Articles

The Downside of Chemotherapy

Despite widespread use for cancer treatment, chemotherapy (or chemo) does have its downsides.

Oral Cancer 101

Oral cancer includes cancer of the mouth, back of the mouth, and lips. It usually begins in the flat cells that cover the surface of the mouth.

Harness Your Immune System to Fight Cancer

Your body's own immune system is a germ-fighting machine. Scientists see promise in directing these powers toward eradicating cancer. Here's how.

New Hope for Patients With Metastatic Colon Cancer

By studying how colon cancer cells metastasize, German researchers have uncovered a potential new approach to treating this cancer.

The Sepsis Epidemic

An estimated 750,000 Americans get sepsis each year and 28 and 50 percent will die from the infection. Who's at risk for sepsis, and what can be done to prevent it?

Unexpected Symptoms of Cancer

Even with a lack of pain, cancer can make its presence known in many ways, although some symptoms are a bit vague and ambiguous.

Understand the Different Types of Breast Cancer

A diagnosis of breast cancer is not as straightforward as you might imagine (or hope). There are several different types of breast cancer, some more serious than others. Get the facts.

Are Our Own Killer Immune Cells the Key to Curing Cancer?

Anti-CD47 is an antibody, which is a protein that is part of the immune system and helps destroy harmful invaders. In test tube studies and experiments with mice, anti-CD47 shrank tumors and helped to prevent them from spreading.

What to Believe When Health Claims Conflict

You hear something's good for you, and tomorrow you hear it's bad. Here's how to solve the puzzle when it comes to health claims.

Diesel Fumes Do Contribute to Cancer

It's used to everything from trucks to generators, but it's now clear diesel fumes are tied to cancer. What can you do about it?

The NanoKnife: Treatment Option for Complicated Cancer

It's not really a knife, but this treatment tool is showing great promise with the most difficult-to-reach cancers.

Vitamin D for Cancer Therapy?

Examine the evidence supporting how this already highly-regarded vitamin may slow down Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer cells and stop them from spreading.

How to Take Aspirin the Safe Way

Get the health benefits without upsetting your stomach.

Painkillers and Kidney Cancer: What's the Connection?

Two studies reveal enough of a connection between kidney cancer and some popular painkillers that more questions are warranted.

Is Thermography a Good Option for Breast Cancer Screening?

This physiological test reads the infrared heat radiating from the surface of the breast. Could it be a replacement for mammography?

When Healthy People Get Cancer

We all know someone who develops cancer despite appearing healthy in every way. Why does it happen?

Uterine Cancer: Risks and Treatment Options

Over 35,000 women are diagnosed each year with uterine cancer. Here are the facts you need.

Cervical Cancer: Risks and Prevention

Cervical cancer used to be one of the most common causes of death from cancer for American women. Rates have improved, but it's still essential to have the facts.

False-Positive Mammogram Results

It happens. It's scary. Here's what you need to know about when a mammogram shows an abnormal area that looks like cancer but is not.

Carcinoid Syndrome: A Silent and Serious Digestive Condition

About two-thirds of carcinoid tumors occur in the GI tract. Learn about symptoms and treatment options.

How Your Gut Protects You From Disease

A strong intestinal barrier may be key to preventing certain cancers and other diseases. Here's how to strengthen yours.

The Common Precancerous Skin Condition You Probably Don t Know

Here s why you should become familiar with the symptoms of Actinic Keratosis.

The Gray Line Between Breast Cancer and Abnormal Cells

Determining what should be treated aggressively and what would do better to watch and wait is not always clear-cut. Understand the debate around ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS.

Why Only Some Smokers Get Cancer

Smoking is a significant risk factor for lung (and other) cancers and is responsible for almost 90 percent of all lung cancer deaths. However, we all know individuals who smoke for a long time and never develop cancer.

Kidney Cancer: What You Need to Know

Here are the risk factors, symptoms, and treatments for kidney cancer.

Cocoa May Prevent Colon Cancer

Popping a piece of chocolate every day may offer protection against colon cancer. Here's why and the best bites for you.

Cosmetics, Parabens, and Cancer: What Are the Facts?

If you re confused about the potential link between parabens and cancer, you re not alone. Get the facts.

Health by the Numbers: Breast Cancer

Breast cancer death rates have been declining, thanks to increased prevention and improved treatments. Here's a look at the disease by the numbers.

Health by the Numbers: Cancer

If detected early, many forms of cancer can be successfully treated. Here's a look at the disease by the numbers.

Health by the Numbers: Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, but it is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Here's a look at the disease by the numbers.

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