Cancer - Management

Stem Cell Research and Cancer

See what stem cell research can have in-store for cancer treatment.

TNF Blockers: A Safe Choice?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews the safety of autoimmune disorder drugs.

Quit Smoking: Write a Journal

If you re trying to quit smoking to reduce your risk of lung cancer, a journal may be an invaluable addition to your smoking cessation toolbox.

Living with a J Pouch

There are many types of surgical procedures physicians can perform to treat people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Here s what you need to know about J pouch surgery.

Antioxidants for Breast Cancer

Can you utilize the power of antioxidants for breast cancer treatment?

Can Ginger Provide Relief from Nausea?

Natural relief from chemotherapy-related nausea is as close as your kitchen. This wonder herb eases stomach upset and a whole lot more.

Exercise and Breast Cancer

You know exercise is good for your heart, but did you know it also plays an important role in preventing and treating breast cancer?

New Developments in Colon Cancer Prevention and Treatment

The very latest in colorectal cancer developments.

Celebrities with Cancer

Those who stand in the limelight also stand up to and for cancer.

Foods that Prevent Breast Cancer

You can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer--using your diet.

Report Card: Health of the Nation

While medical advancements are constantly being made, Americans continue to fall behind on some basic health measures.

4 Benefits of Eating Whole Grains

A diet rich in whole grains can help lower the risk of some serious health conditions.

Breast Cancer Treatments 101

Working with your doctor to choose the appropriate treatments may help increase your chances of long-term survival.

Can Working the Night Shift Make You Sick?

Late-shift workers put themselves at risk for certain illnesses. Is there anything they can do to protect their health?

Cancer Treatment: Myths vs. Facts

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, it's important to know the facts. Read on as we separate fact from fiction.

The 3 Scariest Mistakes That Doctors Make

Simple screw-ups are a part of life, but in medicine, these mistakes can be fatal. Learn how to protect yourself.

Weight-Loss Secrets From Around the Globe

Get the inside scoop on how certain countries manage to stay so slim.

Understanding HPV and Cervical Cancer

The relationship between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer is a complex one. Get the facts now.

Easing the Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Follow these tips to minimize nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and hair loss.

Understanding Heartburn and GERD

Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), if it occurs regularly is a common digestive disorder that affects about 15 million Americans. Learn about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.