Allergies - Treatments

Is it Allergies or a Summer Cold?

Five clues to help you figure it out.

Is This Common Household Appliance Threatening Your Kids’ Health?

What the latest research says about children’s allergies and eczema.

4 Myths (and the Facts) About Nasal Allergies

Are you sabotaging your health because of these assumptions?

Allergy Encyclopedia

Your guide to the most common allergy terms.

Fatal Allergic Reactions: A Cause Identified

New information about life-threatening allergic reactions.

Helping Out in Health Emergencies: What You Need to Know About 4 Chronic Conditions

What to do--and what not to do--in these urgent situations.

Anaphylaxis: Preventing and Treating Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions

Stay safe by following these guidelines.

Understanding Pollen Counts

Is pollen a problem for you? Here are some strategies to help you cope.

5 Ways to Deal With Post-Nasal Drip

Five tips to cope with the nagging cough and sore, itchy throat that come with this common and bothersome condition.

The Difference Between Food Allergy, Intolerance, and Sensitivity

True allergies which can be life threatening are often confused with less serious food sensitivities. Learn about the differences.

Why Some People Suffer From Allergies

Histamines are an important part of our immune systems, but when they overreact, they can cause serious harm.

Cure for Cat Allergies? Scientists Are Getting Close

Scientists have discovered why a protein causes allergic reactions to cat dander. Their research promises to pave a path to prevention for many cat allergy sufferers.

5 Top Congestion Fighters

You're congested, and you're miserable. But you don't have to let a little cold slow you down. Here are five remedies to try and one remedy to avoid.

All About Pink Eye

What are the symptoms? How is it treated? Read on for the facts about this contagious eye infection.

Should You Try Allergy Shots?

When severe allergies have you in their grip, allergen immunotherapy (also known as allergy shots or injections) may help you find relief. Here's what you need to know.

New Treatment Options for Treating Severe Allergic Reactions

If you depend on epinephrine auto-injectors in the case of a severe allergic reaction, know there are new treatments available.

Frequently Asked Questions About Allergies

From annoying seasonal allergies to life-threatening reactions, here s what you need to know.

Are You Sabotaging Your Allergy Treatment?

If you're ignoring these eight guidelines, your allergy symptoms may not have the opportunity to improve.

What's Your Allergy IQ?

Allergy questions are nothing to sneeze at. Here, we answer six common concerns.

Sinus Infection or Something More?

Pressure in your sinuses is nothing to sneeze at. And when it's accompanied by pain and foul-smelling nasal discharge, it could mean something more.

Is It Seasonal Hair Loss or Alopecia?

If, every fall, you lose a lot of locks, you could simply be experiencing seasonal hair loss. It's nothing to worry about, except if you notice a few other things.

Milk Allergy or Intolerance: What's the Difference?

Symptoms of lactose intolerance and an allergic reaction to milk are different. Here's how to tell them apart and what it means for you if you have to forgo dairy products for either reason.

Acute vs. Chronic Sinusitis: Understand Your Condition

For many, sinusitis means uncomfortable symptoms that may require the right treatment to overcome.

Breathe Easier Tonight: How A Humidifier Can Help

Depending on your triggers, adding or removing the moisture in your bedroom air can lessen the risk of an asthma attack.

If Your EpiPen Fails

What should you do in the rare instance this lifesaving treatment doesn't work the way it should?

Is It a Cold or the Flu?

Your head aches, your eyes hurt, and you're sneezing, coughing, and experiencing chills. Is it a bad cold, or could this be the start of the flu?

Allergy Treatments: 10 to Carry With You

From decongestants to eye drops, keep these essentials on-hand wherever you go.

Are You at Risk for Histamine Poisoning?

You've heard of histamine when it comes to allergies, but did you know it can also play a role in food poisoning?

Put Allergic Asthma to "Sleep" With This

A new asthma treatment device promises to reduce nocturnal attacks and improve quality of life.

Taking Your Child to the Hospital?

Care for your child with confidence with these 10 tips.

A Groundbreaking New Allergy Treatment

Created by Notre Dame scientists, see what this cutting-edge allergy treatment can do to eliminate your allergies without compromising the strength of your immune system.

Chili Peppers Can Offer Nasal Allergy Relief

Chili peppers could hold the key to sinus relief.

Should You Pin Your Hopes on Acupuncture for Allergies?

Acupuncture therapy may help you feel better if conventional treatment methods have failed in helping your manage allergies. Many allergy sufferers have found success using this alternative method to address their seasonal symptoms.

Hay Fever Vaccinations: Your Best Shot at Getting Allergies Under Control

What if you could end your hay fever (allergic rhinitis) symptoms for good? A new hay fever vaccine could make this possible by preventing or reducing common seasonal allergy symptoms in just a few easy steps.

Laser Allergy Treatments: Hype or For Real?

A new laser device originating from Australia has recently become available in the United States. It claims to help patients zap away their allergies. But many experts question whether the results are for real.

Can Sublingual Immunotherapy Ease Your Allergies?

Wish there was a magic formula that could make your allergies go away? While no medication can completely erase your immune system's response to allergens, a form of treatment called sublingual immunotherapy may provide some welcome relief.

How an Allergist Can Help You

You take your car to a qualified mechanic when you need maintenance or repairs, don't you? But do you also seek out the same excellent level of care when it comes to your health? If you're coping with allergy symptoms, it's important to rely on the expertise of an allergist who's specifically trained in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the immune system.

Allergy Medicine Overview: Which One is Best For You?

Your allergies will begin blooming right along with the flowers and other greenery. Experts say that avoiding your triggers is always the best way to head off your seasonal suffering. But if you can't escape pollen, mold, and other allergens, it's essential that you find the right allergy medication to tackle your allergy symptoms.

Allergy Treatments May Spark Aluminum Allergy

Is it possible that allergy immunotherapy--a treatment that helps your body build up a tolerance to your worst allergy triggers--can simultaneously put you at risk for developing a new allergy?

Are You Allergic to Insulin or Insulin Resistant?

The terms are so similar that it's easy to confuse being allergic to insulin with insulin resistance.

Why are Childhood Allergies so Common?

It's nothing to sneeze at. Millions of kids suffer from allergies and asthma. Here are some of the reasons why.

How to Cope When You Have No Health Insurance

If you've lost access to insurance, you may be wondering how you'll survive. Is there a way to get good health care even if your finances are unstable?

Nasal Irrigation: A Logical Remedy for Congestion?

This hygienic practice gently flushes the nasal cavity in order to remove excess mucus and debris from the sinuses.

A One-Shot Approach? Allergy Shots and Asthma

You go to great lengths to use your asthma medication exactly as directed in order to avoid triggers, yet you still can't seem to get the upper hand on your allergic asthma symptoms. If this sounds all too familiar, it may be time to try allergy shots.

The Facts about Allergy Blood Testing

Has your doctor recommended you undergo allergy blood testing to determine what s causing your allergy symptoms? If so, here's what you should know.

What is Allergic Rhinitis?

Did you know that allergic rhinitis is just another name for hay fever? If you suffer from this condition, relief is possible.

The Facts about Allergy Shots

If you've done all you can to manage allergies and all has failed, it might be time to consider allergy shots.

How Ragweed Allergies Can Affect Your Mood

Ragweed allergies can consist of never ending itchiness and a terrible time of coughing and sneezing. But did you know it can also depress you?

Why Taking Vitamin D May Prevent Allergies

If your allergy symptoms just keep getting worse, your relief could be in one vitamin supplement away.

Can a Tick Bite Cause a Meat Allergy?

Could tick bites and red meat allergies have a common link? The connection between the two might surprise you.

5 Causes of Post-Nasal Drip

Identifying causes for post nasal drip is the only way to find the best treatment. Though it can be difficult to decipher, consider these possible culprits.

5 Reasons Your Allergy Treatment Isn't Working

If you still feel miserable after many attempts to treat your allergies, you might want to retrace your steps to see what you can do differently.

Working With Soy May Cause Occupational Asthma

Is your job making you sick? If you work in a soy processing plant and suffer from asthma, you certainly could be in danger according to a study.

10 Steps to Prevent Fall Allergies

Do you look forward to autumn, or do you dread months of coughing and sneezing? Here, ten tried and true methods to prevent fall allergies.

How can I avoid feeling miserable during ragweed season?

Does ragweed season make you miserable? Here is how you can manage and prevent these irritating allergy symptoms.

Could You Be Allergic to Breastfeeding?

There are many benefits nursing can bring, such as a special bond with your newborn and a boost to his immune system. However, for a few women, the very act of breastfeeding can put their own health at risk.

Scratch the Itch of Allergic Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis or "pink eye" can be irritating. See whether or not your conjunctivitis is caused by allergies or is a contagious infection.

Is the Poison Ivy Rash Contagious?

If you touched poison ivy, you might wonder if it's contagious. Find out what an allergic reaction looks like and what you can do to prevent it.

Why It's Important to Keep Your Home Mold-Free

Does mold flare up your asthma or allergies? Preventing mold triggers and proactively keeping your home mold-free can be the best way to evict this pest.

The Deadly Truth about Bee Sting Allergies

For the two million Americans with serious insect allergies, a bee sting is more than a nuisance. It can also cause a serious, or potentially fatal, reaction if not treated promptly.

Do-It-Yourself Sinus Headache Remedies

If you've ever had a sinus headache, you know they're hard to miss. The good news is that a host of possible sinus headache remedies exist, and most of them are easy things that you can try at home to help yourself feel better quickly.

4 Natural Allergy Remedies You've Never Heard of

When your traditional allergy medications seem to cause too many side effects, you may want to try some natural allergy remedies that can help you get your worst symptoms in check.

Allergy Shots and Pregnancy: A Safe Combination?

You may be worried about mixing allergy shots and pregnancy and wonder if this practice will put your unborn child in any danger.

Prednisone and Allergies

If you suffer from asthma, you may occasionally need to take prednisone or some other type of corticosteroid to help give your airways a boost so you can breathe better. But did you know in some cases, prednisone could also be used to help you to manage your allergies, too?

Honey for Allergies

Even if you don't like bees, if you suffer from allergies, you may be grateful for the honey that they make. This is because some people who practice alternative medicine believe that using honey treatment can relieve nasal allergies and bring great relief.

Alternative Allergy Treatments: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Have you ever tried any alternative allergy treatments to help relieve your worst seasonal symptom? Some people with hay fever and other allergies find that traditional Chinese medicine techniques can be quite effective.

What is NAET and How Can It Relieve Allergies?

A revolutionary treatment for most allergies that is safe, highly effective, and non-invasive does exist.

Share Your Story. Become a Health Hero.

Have you or a loved one survived a life-threatening disease? Are you currently struggling with depression, chronic pain, heart disease, or other health-related condition? Have you gone to extraordinary lengths to help someone in a health crisis? If so, we want to hear from you!

What's Causing Your Finger to Itch?

Learn what to do when your most treasured piece of jewelry is causing you irritation, soreness, and pain.

Immunotherapy: Band Aid or Cure?

So you re considering starting allergy shots. But will they work for you to cure your worst symptoms or will they only offer a temporary reprieve?

Take Control of Your Allergies

It's official: you have allergies and your doctor has even helped you to identify your biggest triggers. But what next?

Can Allergy Drops Help Ease Your Pain?

Find out how this new treatment is helping thousands.

Will Allergy Shots Work for You?

Find out if this popular treatment can help ease your symptoms.

Do You Have a Gluten Allergy?

If you suffer from a range of uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms every time you eat foods containing wheat, rye, malt, barley and oats, a gluten allergy could be to blame for your distress.

Take Control of Your Seasonal Allergies

Find ways to manage your allergies.

Allergy Drug Interactions

Before you take your next dose of allergy meds, experts recommend that you get the facts so you can avoid mixing medications that can cause dangerous interactions.

Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

If you suffer from a skin allergy, you know all too well how much the severe dryness and itching can disrupt your daily lifestyle. You are probably willing to try anything that will offer some relief from the symptoms so you can feel comfortable in your own skin, literally.

Don't Let Your Allergy Medications Make You Sick

Don't let the remedy make you feel worse.

The Benefits of Allergy Testing

If you suffer from severe allergy symptoms and taking medication doesn't seem to help you feel better, it may be time to turn to the experts to undergo some allergy testing. This can be a valuable way to find out exactly what your biggest triggers are and to determine how best to avoid them.

Medications for Your Allergy Symptoms

Your go-to guide for allergy medications.

A Natural Way to Breathe Better

Try these alternative treatments for asthma.

8 Ways to Help Manage COPD

Learn how to reduce the likelihood of COPD flare-ups.

Are Cold and Flu Medications Safe for Kids?

Your child has a runny nose and bad cough. You want her to feel better, but is it OK to give her cold medicine?